gucci beauty / network studios

Creative Director. Design direction, look and feel.

The Gucci Beauty Network Studios, was an immersive and digitally integrated popup experience that gave access to a behind the scenes look at the brand’s portfolio with a focus on the debut of the Gucci L’Obscur Mascara.

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Attendees explored a 360 mirrored immersive video room full of Gucci perfumes and and a vanity area where guests were encouraged to try on the makeup collection or get a makeover with Gucci ambassador makeup artists and then have their picture taken for a “screen test'“. Complete with performances and sets by Dani Miller (one of the faces of the Gucci Mascara L’Obscur campaign), as well as Jeffertitti and Rainey Qualley.

266+ VIP party guests
1,337 guests over two days
27% consumer guests pre-registered on microsite
2,523 Mémoire photo booth photos taken
152,063,810 media impressions
1,593 screen test photos taken (social activation)


till death


tik tok